Looking for evidence?
Regardless of the development stage, evidence from various studies are essential for translation and decision-making.
AIMS BioScience proposes strategies and conducts development by translating solid evidence. As you can tell, generating quality evidence is at the heart of our work, which must be secured from a trusted partner. If the company requesting strategic planning needs to
generate evidence, AIMS BioScience will suggest the most appropriate partner and research design.
Our Trusted Partners
AIMS BioScience entrusts partners with a variety of studies across the entire range of drug development.
They create evidence with optimal quality according to our proposed strategy and timeline.
- Product quality - Nonclinical
- Selvita / Fidelta, DT&CRO, Wuxi apptec, Pharmaron, Lovelace biomedical Euroscreen
fast, EVOTEC, Charles River, Biomodels, LLC (http://www.biomodels.com/)
- Clinical
- Parexel, Covance, C&R research
The Catholic Univ. Seoul St.Mary’s Hospital Eurofins Scientific
- Translational
- PIPET, Q-fitter, iCBigD3
(Seoul national university bundang hospital)
- Artificial-intelligence
- 3BIGS, insilico, standigm, syntheca, cimplex